Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 19th, 2008—Well the hunt is on to create a summer kick off for Metro Atlanta’s Teen Summit and Kidz 4 Money is very happy to be partnered with several metro libraries. This event is to challenge our teens to spend, some if not all, of this summer considering their future. We want to give them positive-alternatives for their down time in 2008 with leadership, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, wealth building, and career preparations.

The Metro Libraries involved are : College Park, West End, Cleveland Ave., Douglasville, Clayton County., Fayette County, and Mechanicsville. This collaboration is the first of its kind to reach out to our youth concurrently and jointly. These community conscious libraries have all responded to the growing concerns of today’s teens by further lending their facilities to this outstanding event.

Juvenile crime and other youthful misconduct are skyrocketing in numbers. The potential dangers for our young is on the rise with no letting up in sight. As a community, we need to reach out in support of this generation that is facing new challenges—challenges that threatens to disrupt their future.

This proactive event looks to offer workshops, guess speakers, books, and other tools to encourage, empower, and direct the future of Metro Atlanta’s teens.

We desperately need you to help in partnerships and sponsorships. “It takes a village to raise a child”, and the time to get involed is not for the sake or our future. Won’t you please take a moment to consider how you can make this ground-breaking event a success?

For as little as $20, you can help a teen fulfill a summer of new horizons. We also have business partnership that give you a chance to be a part of this challenge. See how...